the thing at the blue was that song from F-Zero or whatever..big blue i think?
the thing at the blue was that song from F-Zero or whatever..big blue i think?
yup, the first riff was the beginning of big blue, the middle is just some random shred that sounded like old nintendo stuff, the last on was the pokemon theme from the start of the red and blue version video games :)
i was listening to this and my mom made me burn it onto a cd...? and...syntenza? :o
yay ?
definitly short
it was cool, for some reason it makes me think of older Donkey Kong games....? idk why
Ev0r dr34m
Hey, listening to this stuffs ^_^
well, im no good at constructive reviews and the like so..yeah its good though man =)
btw i dont wanna sound like a noob but i submitted a song yesterday and theres been no constructive reviews..will you change that? lol
so fucking random lol
sadspoon just give in to it! you know you want to XD
i love this song..
uhm this question is kinda personal...
did the cat jump off the airplane?
fucking god this ownz.. you own me at making music nuff said..
lol :P
You've got some really good tracks too, don't put yourself down! a little bit of ego from time to time never hurts. :P
I liked it =o
Yeah i liked this, yeah too much reverb on the beat definitly, and those hats and snares im sorry, but those are fucking annoying XD.
The bass was meh. i liked the melody though for some reason..sticks in my head, nice song here but could be improvied
Very constructive. I like it. The melody was kinda ment to be like woah man, you know. Because like I made out with my girlfriend, and this song came up in my head...I just lost track of everything...Kinda funny huh? I am only 14 so ya know...all this drama gives me inspiration XD. Thanks for your review though!
The piano was a nice touch to this i liked it, your getting good :(
better than ill ever be, since im like..going downward towards the dark cold ground where ill be found weeping in a corner :(
dont know where that was going but yeah, pimpness
haha.. crazy! just as i finished my review for your new song, i came back and you just reviewed my song.. wierd!
lol thanks for your review! i want to remix your song!!!!!!
This is awesome :), lol you reviewed me a couple months ago and told me to check out your stuff, I did and well now im writing my first review for you. This is really awesome man ^_^, except for the fact..i see nothing that has anything to do with It's a Dream *AT ALL*, not that it's a problem, its still very nice! Karbon also used these vocals, except they were the ones in the other its a dream "12emix" these are different o.o
Well..Keep up the good work mate =)
formerly EvEr-DrEaM
thank you very much midnight! hmm.. i feel like i should stop by again.. :D
Age 34, Male
Music Producer
IGH, Minnesota
Joined on 1/9/06